About Blend Up
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Blend Up contributed 48 entries already.
Entries by Blend Up
SPRU – Sociedade Promotora de Residências Universitárias S.A was founded in 1999 with the aim of “contributing to dignify the displaced university population”.
Zone Spru Lisboa
M: Rua dos Sapateiros nº 12 – 1100-579 Lisboa
T: Lisboa: (+351) 213 216 400
(call to national fixed network)
E: lisboa@spru.pt
World SPRU Porto
M: Rua do Monte da Estação – Porta B
4300-342 Porto
T: Porto: (+351) 225 198 700
(call to national fixed network)
E: porto@spru.pt