The residence offers accommodation to both male and female students who are applying or already study at a private or public university. Teachers, investigators, young professionals and other people connected to the university community can also apply.
It is possible to stay at the residence throughout the academic year, for a few months or even for a few days. Long-term stays equal to or longer than 1 month are considered, with the rest being classified as short-term.
The Residence can be visited from Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 6pm. People interested should contact the Residence Director in order to schedule the visit.
Application dates starts 01 May 2013.
The application process requires the following steps:
– Filling and handling of the Application Form: the form is available in the Residence or it can be downloaded from our website. After being filled, the form can be delivered in the Residence or sent by mail or fax. You can also apply online.
– Interview with the Residence Director: up to 10 working days after having received the form and if the candidate meets the minimum requirements, an interview with the Residence Director will be scheduled and the information about the residence and its operation will be given to the candidate.
– Decision’s Communication: Up to 5 working days after the interview, the Residence Director will notify the candidate, by any means, of the decision about her/his admission, meaning if she/he has been accepted, put in the waiting list or not accepted.
The Residence will have a waiting list for all the candidates who, although fulfil the requirements, haven’t been accepted for lack of room availability. In case there is a room, the Residence Director will immediately contact the candidate. For this reason it is important to write down in the Application Form all the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, so that a contact during summer holidays is possible.
From the date the candidate has been told that she/he has been admitted, the candidate has 5 working days to make his registration, which requires:
– Handling of Registration Form. The form is available in the residence or can be downloaded from our website. Then it should be completely filled and delivered in the Residence or sent by mail, together with the following documents:
— University’s enrolment certificate or equivalent document;
— 1 candidate’s coloured photo;
— Copy of candidate’s identity card.
– Deposit Payment: the deposit, a value which equals one month’s payment, aims to guarantee the candidate’s fulfilment of:
— the payments stated in the contract
— any damage she/he may have caused in the Residence’s facilities or equipment;
— the provisions of the contract and regulation, with regard to which violation determines the loss of right to use the Residence;
— the contract’s validity period.
The registration is guaranteed only after the handling of registration form, the documents and the deposit payment.
After registration is successfully completed, the following documents will be provided to the Resident or sent to her/his home:
– Contract (two copies);
– Internal Regulation (two copies).
Within 5 working days following receipt of said documents, both copies of the Contract and the Internal Regulation must be signed by the candidate and sent to the Residence. After that, SPRU will sign the documents and send a copy of each to the candidate.
We accept payments in cash, money transfer and portuguese checks and debit cards. We don’t accept payments with credit cards.
Money transfers should be made to SPRU’s bank account: SPRU – Sociedade Promotora de Residências Universitárias S.A. Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos with the NIB: 0035 0001 00020285030 08.
For transfers made from abroad, the codes are the following: SWIFT: CGDIPTPL; IBAN: PT 50 0035 0001 00020285030 08.
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Address: Agencia da Sede – Av. João XXI, 63 1000-300 Lisboa.
It is essential to state the Resident’s name and surname, in order to identify the payment’s origin. The transfer amount should be exact and the transfer taxes charged to the sender. Then, a fax should be sent to the number: +351 22 510 45 04 with the transfer’s receipt.
The room allocation is made by the Residence Director. Former residents and those who have renewed their stay will have preference when choosing the room. In case there is a problem, the Residence reserves itself the right to allocate the Resident in another room during her/his stay, as long as the new room is the same type as the one stated in the contract.
The deposit will be returned within thirty days from the date of the contract’s conclusion and upon satisfaction of all credits with SPRU.
The lack of payment of the 1st rent within one week from the date of beginning provided for in the contract, determines the contract’s rescission, and consequent loss of deposit. the room will be considered available and can be assigned to another candidate.
For more information about lodging utilization and integrated services provision, please consult the Internal Residence Regulation.
Academic Year 2024/2025