It is advisable to set daily study goals to gradually go through exam materials. The time spent commuting between university and work, as well as lunch breaks, can be used effectively for studying. Many companies offer flexible schedules, including extra days off after longer work shifts or the option to exchange overtime hours for breaks.
Since it is not always financially feasible to focus solely on studies, many students have to balance work with their education—whether through a part-time or even a full-time job. Managing both commitments, which demand significant dedication, can be challenging and, without proper balance, may become an obstacle.
To help students achieve the best academic results without compromising their job performance, Universia Portugal has compiled some useful tips:
1- Develop a Reading StrategyUniversity courses typically involve a heavy workload of required readings and assignments. To handle this efficiently, it is advisable to set daily reading goals. By gradually processing information instead of leaving it all for later, you can better retain and understand the material.
2- Make Use of Free TimeThe time spent commuting between university and work, as well as lunch breaks, can be turned into study hours. This allows you to save valuable preparation time for exams and assignments. Take advantage of technology—use apps for reading, download free e-books to your smartphone or tablet, and review study materials while using public transport. During exam periods, always keep summary notes on hand, as they can help you revise throughout the day without disrupting your leisure or rest time.
3- Plan Your Days OffMany companies allow employees to take breaks after longer shifts or accumulate extra hours in exchange for time off. Try to coordinate your work schedule with your employer so that you can take a day off during exam season for revision or rest. If you have applied for student-worker status, be sure to familiarise yourself with your rights. If you are looking for a job opportunity or want to enhance your CV with a paid internship, check out the openings available on the Trabalhando network. Register and keep your CV updated.
Universia, 08/10/2018